Anonymous of Kitchener, Ontario on
3/22/2021 .
I found this book highly entertaining. It was well done and expertly narrated. My only criticism is the way it had to be downloaded. Unfortunately I found this difficult since all I use is an iPad. Otherwise I enjoyed the book.
Greatly recommended
Anonymous of Carlisle on
12/27/2020 .
Superb narrative from a master story teller. I recall watching "She"many years ago as a child. It was one of those films that leaves a lasting impression. Unsurprisingly, this narrative has also left an impression. I'm not at all sure how BJ does it, but the picture he conjures up is far clearer than that which I recall in the motion picture. Fabulous!
Stirring Narration
John P of Wolverine, Michigan on
11/21/2020 .
B.J. Harrison is simply a great, enthusiastic, heartfelt narrator, and I am delighted to recommend him to anyone at any time. The fact that we share a taste for classic fiction -- works that have stood the test of time or perhaps overlooked gems -- is a big personal plus. Expect the emphasis to be on entertainment, as in "She," which is an important early member of the action/adventure genre.
Fabulous nostalgia trip
Anonymous of Worcester, Vermont on
5/23/2018 .
One of my favorite childhood books. The reading is perfect. Highly recommended!
XLNT voice acting!
Anonymous of Grantsville, Utah on
1/5/2018 .
Great take on a great adventure story with great voice acting!